

GLAICE is much more than water..., is Ultra-Premium Quality Alkaline Ionized Water now available in commercial presentation, bottled and accessible to all population and consum segments.
The #1 Commercial Brand of Alkaline Ionized Water made throughout a unique proprietary system of transformation and restructure 100% natural mineral.
From the Natural Mineral Water Source, full of electrolytes and plenty of trace elements, that are pure energy and essentials for life, GLAICE is the treasurer of a long time hidden-in-the Ice and within the inner earth for thousands of years, with exceptional texture, taste and purity. So GLAICE is definitively the Water as it should be always!
GLAICE es mucho mas que agua..., es Agua alcalina Ionizada de calidad ultra-premium, disponible en formato comercial, embotellada y asequible para todos los segmentos de población y consumo.
La primera marca mundial de agua alcalina ionizada, elaborada por un método y sistema único de transformación y reestructuración 100% natural mineral.
Elaborada a partir de Agua Mineral Natural, repleta de minerales iónicos y minerales-traza, que son energía pura, lo que en sí constituye las bases esenciales para la vida, y poseedora de un secreto que ha estado oculto en el hielo y en las entrañas de la tierra durante miles de años, con una textura, sabor y pureza excepcionales, GLAICE es por fin, el Agua, ¡como debería de ser, siempre!
GLAICE is produced at the premises of our partner bottler at the hearth of the pristine and unspoiled Natural Park of Sierra de Cazorla in the Southeastern of the Spanish province of Jaen, within the Andalusian Region.
The premises perfectly built-up in harmony with the surrounding nature has +4 springs of clear and top-quality natural mineral water which is the source and base for our product GLAICE.
Premises consist in a multi-story buildings with a total production plant area of +24.800 square meters with top-tier machinery and elements for Mineral Water Bottling and Beverages Production of a total capacity of near 2,000,000 bottles/day for all production lines including PET, Crystal refundable, non-refundable and Specialty Creations. Plant is autonomous for PET preform creation, modeling, and all process-steps including logistics and operations with a total capacity of +25,000 pallet same-time storage.
Our partner EIASA (Explotaciones Internacionales Acuíferas S.A.) operates a fully-integrated plant with all needed services including Laboratory, Control Room, Statistics and Administration Premises, and is fully equipped and audited under the most prestigious quality certifications existing within the sector.
Personnel and Technicians are sounded-trained, educated and experienced. Plant can be considered the top-advanced and most modern equiped within Southern Europe. EIASA Corporate Offices are located in Madrid, at the heart of the capital city of Spain.
Environmentally Protected